Choccy for Charity – Partnership with ActionAid UK

Choccy Truffles & ActionAid UK

Every so often something really, truly remarkable and exciting happens in our Buttermilk kitchen. When our mission to make ‘better for you’ treats turns into something more powerful. When we develop a new choccy treat, our first aim is to create something that tastes exceptional. But it’s not the only thing we’re passionate about. It needs to reflect our values. At Buttermilk we’re always aiming to be collaborative, inventive, enthusiastic, and genuine.

Confectionery with a soul

These values are very important to us. They were decided as a team, and reflect what is important to us and how we want to be. They’re not just words we put on a wall, or something to display on our website. They shape how we work together, as well as how we engage with our customers, and our partners, and how we operate within our communities.

A partnership for the future

We believe that business should be a force for good. That we can combine exceptional-tasting choccy and giving back to our local and wider community. Which is why we’re so excited to be working with ActionAid UK and donating 12p per pack (approx. 20% of our profits) for every box of truffles sold.

ActionAid UK is an international charity that works with women and girls living in poverty. They are ending violence and fighting poverty so that all women, everywhere, can create the future they want. A future in which no woman lives in fear of violence. A future in which everyone has access to healthcare. A future of greater economic opportunity for all.

You can find out more about them and the amazing work they’re doing here.

So what's in the choccy box?

We’ve been honing our choccy truffle recipe for a few months and have created a decadent, luxurious, creamy milk choccy with a melt-in-mouth truffle heart. All covered in a silky smooth milk choccy shell.  They’re available now on our website bundles, and also in store at Sainsburys.